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Shipping & Returns

Returns Policy

This Returns Policy is applicable to purchases made online from and only.

Change of Mind

Please choose carefully as we do not have to provide a refund if you have changed your mind about a particular purchase.


Under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (‘CGA’), you have guaranteed legal rights for goods [and services] you buy.

These are called ‘consumer guarantees’, and include the following:

  1. 1) a guarantee that the goods are of acceptable quality, such that the goods are:
    1. >fit for all the purposes for which goods of that type are commonly supplied;
      >free from minor defects;
      >durable; and
      >acceptable in appearance and finish;
  2. 2) a guarantee that the goods are fit for any particular purpose made known by you, or for which we represent that they are or will be fit;
  3. 3) a guarantee that the goods correspond with any description with which the goods are supplied; and
  4. 4) a guarantee that the goods correspond with any sample or demonstration model where the goods are supplied by reference to such sample or model.

If the goods [or services] we supply do not meet a consumer guarantee, we will meet our obligations under the CGA to provide a remedy.

These guarantees are in addition to any warranty offered by a manufacturer, and you may have rights against the manufacturer directly.

The CGA does not apply where the goods have been used in a manner, or to an extent which is inconsistent with the manner or extent of use that a reasonable consumer would expect to obtain from the goods; and the goods would have complied with the guarantee of acceptable quality if they had not been used in the manner or to that extent.


If you are acquiring goods [or services] from Christal Enterprises for business purposes as defined in sections 2 and 43 of the CGA, you agree that the consumer guarantees provided for in the CGA will not apply to the supply of those goods [or services].

Minor Failure

If the goods [or services] we supply do not comply with a consumer guarantee, but can be remedied within a reasonable time, we will either repair the goods or replace the goods with goods of identical type. If we cannot repair or replace the goods within a reasonable time, we will provide you with a refund of the purchase price.

Major Failure

A ‘major failure’ is where the failure in the goods cannot be repaired or cannot be repaired within a reasonable time, or where the failure constitutes a ‘failure of substantial character’ as set out by section 21 of the CGA.

If a failure amounts to a major failure, you are entitled to return the goods and choose to have a replacement of the returned goods or a refund. Alternatively, you may elect to retain the goods and obtain compensation for the reduction in value of the goods.

Where you choose a replacement, we will where available, provide goods of the same type and similar value to the returned goods.

Delivery Charges

Any shipping costs to return the original goods to Christal enterprises will be at the cost of Christal Enterprises, where Christal Enterprises considers the goods to have breached a consumer guarantee. If on examination of goods returned to Christal Enterprises, the goods are found to not be in breach of any consumer guarantee, Christal Enterprises may charge you a fee for examining the goods, and any cost to return the goods to you.

Please note that goods must be returned within a reasonable period and you may be asked to demonstrate that you have purchased the goods from Christal Enterprises Online and that the problem with the goods was not your fault.


Refunds will be issued at the discretion of Christal Enterprises.

Refunds will normally be processed within seven (7) days.

Goods Damaged in Transit

If any goods arrive damaged, please contact Christal Enterprises within 24 hours of delivery. We will arrange to have the damaged item returned to Christal Enterprises and either repair or replace the goods or refund the price to you, at its election. Damaged goods must be returned in the condition received by you with all original packaging, together with all packing slips.


Where you have an issue relating to your order, please immediately contact us at or +64 7 3463086.

This returns policy is not intended to exclude or limit any rights which you may have as a consumer under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, and may not necessarily describe all rights you may have.

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